I wonder about the Counter GT in the first clip. Typically the EMLOS is the read key for a QB run - the end crashes, the QB pulls and replaces. Most often, at least with a wide zone RPO, the BSILB rather than the EMLOS is the read key for the QB - if the LB flows to run action, you throw the ball either on a slant behind him or on the swing route, knowing that he can't pursue in time. If the BSILB widens, he can't help with the run and you hand it off. The EMLOS is usually not a part of the read because the assumption is a D-End can't get out in time to make a play on a swing pass no matter what. Impossible to say what the defined read was for Garoppolo on this play, but if his eyes were only on #49, it was a good read. I might chalk this one up more to Staley (and Mack) playing with the offense's rules and winning the rep. If Mack stays in the box, I like Mitchell's chances to navigate the blocks, get the S caught in the wash, and score.

All that said, if Shanahan's play design wants Garoppolo to read the D-End or "area read" both the D-End and BSILB, then it's a horrifically blown read.

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I wondered about that too because typically they read the WLB on that in which case it would have been the correct read to throw. NFL RPOs are weird/tricky though and I have heard Shanahan prefers box count/leverage reads rather than specific defenders. And Shanahan did say that he thought Garoppolo should’ve handed the ball off.

Packers are all about leverage/counting vice reading specific defenders. Thank you for the feedback and for reading!

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Really nice breakdown Rich! The Offensive line execution has been an issue all year, and hope it gets better.

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Overall I think they’ve been good but I don’t remember seeing this many issues inside the red zone from that unit and it’s probably because of 3 new starters. Thanks for reading!

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